Anonymous Stories

Share Anonymous Stories on Thinkkster

Anonymous Stories

Hello there Thinkksters and welcome to Thinkkster, a community site for sharing anonymous stories online.

Stories have the power to inspire, entertain and engage your visitors.

Thinkkster stories are posted anonymously and you have control who sees your stories on Thinkkster.

Share real life personal stories in private or post fictional stories and let your creative side go wild entertaining your Tinkkster audience.

Take control over your online content with individual post privacy settings to allow for private story posts, friends only stories, and public story posts that are open for everyone on the web to read.

With a powerful CMS powered by WordPress, Thinkkster offers free website membership to people sharing anonymous stories. is the prefect platform for creating free stories websites & anonymous blogs to allow others to post, vote, comment & chat anonymously on your Thinkkster website stories.

Sign Up Free to Thinkkster and share stories anonymously.